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"Whatever you do, love yourself for doing it and you'll always do the right thing."
-- "Cracking the Glass Darkly."


Hi, you may like to know that I have put all my books on a global distributor of Ebooks. They not only have direct sales, but provide Ebooks to all major Ebook outlets such as Barnes and Noble, Sony, Kobo, Amazon, Apple, Diesel, Scrollmotion and others, so no matter what ebook reader you have, including an ordinary computer, you should be able to access and enjoy our books.

Now, while it's every author and publisher's desire to sell books, for a limited time we are letting potential readers download our Ebooks FREE. All one has to do is go to the book and when you are ready to purchase, put in the Coupon Code Number. You then get it FREE.

THE QUEST OF THE RADICAL SPIRITUALIST: An easy-to-read training manual for people who have no easy access to a Spiritualist Church but wish to develop on their own. It has received two awards. You will find it at Smashwords The Coupon Code number UL27Q valid until November 6th 2011.

"INSIGHTS: THE HEALING PATHS OF THE RADICAL SPIRITUALIST" a book that covers various forms of healing for people intersted in healing or required healing. It contains anesdotes. Go to Smashwords. The Coupon Code number is WR26H. It's valid until November 6th 2011. You can also purchase it for $4.99. Your choice :-)

"CRACKING THE GLASS DARKLY" was my first book. It works first book to help the reader successfully dissolve the Ego, develop Here and Now Consciousness, Love Yourself Unconditionally and tune in to Infinite Intelligence. It's at Smashwords and the FREE Coupon Code number ZS77R This coupon is valid until December.

"KINGS, KILLERS AND KINKS IN THE COSMOS: TREADING SOFTLY WITH ANGELS AMONG MINEFIELDS" is my autobiography which has taken some strange paths in England, the Middle East, Germany, Western Canada and the United States. It contains over 70 photographs including a newsphoto that scooped a major British award. You'll find it at Smashwords. The Coupon Code is UV57W. This coupon is valid until November 6th 2011.

Also, if you like adventurous fiction tales, I have recently published my first novel.

"PENTADAKTYLOS: Love, Promises and Patriotism in the Last Days of Colonial Cyprus. It is an historical fiction story set in real life places: Greece 1940 and Cyprus in October 1958. It's a thriller that's also a tear-jerker. Click on Smashwords. The Special Discount Price is $1.99 and the Coupon Code is YD26N. Valid until January 2nd 2012. Share this offer with relatives and friends who have Ereaders abd enjoy thrillers.

One particular point, you can mention this page to friends, relatives, lovers and colleagues, or even print it and give it to others. One other thing, even if you're living in Alice Springs, Australia, Kamloops, British Columbia, the Mediterranean Island of Cyprus or in an Ashram outside New Delhi and have an Ebook Reader you can still get these books FREE with the Coupon Codes. Hey, always remember that we also accept book purchases. It does make our day.

Finally, if you've already read one or more of my books, you'll know that I work for the Universe. It's the only way to go. Love. Robert

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